Sunday, 15 April 2012

Safe Travelling Tips

Anyone that has been robbed will tell you that they could have minimized their losses if they only did .... This article will give you the reasons they would state and will also give you some tips that will keep you as safe and prepared as possible. Remember; preparation is everything.
1. Having a hidden wallet is something that is very useful. Pack it away safely so not in you back pocket. Maybe you have a chain or alarm string that you can attach to it. (You don't have to be a skater to have this.)
2. Take only 1 credit card and if you are only going on holiday, preload it. That way if you get robbed or lose your wallet, you will only lose a preset amount.
3. Always have the most important telephone numbers on you and in your hotel/bungalow/apartment. You will need the numbers of family to contact, your credit card company to block your card, your insurance company and your hotel.
4. Leave a copy of your travel insurance at home. This will save you a lot of problems if you lose the one you have with you. With the technology these days it is no problem to email or fax it to you when you need it.
5. Have your basic medical info on you at all times. If you do have an accident this is the first thing they will look for in the hospital. At least state your blood type and allergies. Although most doctors and nurses will be able to read English, it might be a good idea to also have it in the native language of your destination.
Being prepared is everything. People that are prepared will not be in half as much trouble as people who are not prepared. If you follow the tips from this article you will be off to a good start.
My name is Naithan Weigh and I'm currently staying in Koh Samui, Thailand. My only source of income is the internet. If you want to learn more cheap travel tips take a look at my other article. If you want to know how I make my money online than go to my blog []. There I also give out some good travelling tips.

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